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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools



At Glascote Academy, our Writing curriculum is guided by Literacy Tree, a comprehensive and thematic approach to primary English that places children's literature at its heart.  Literacy Tree is an award-winning platform that immerses children in a rich literary world, fostering strong engagement and providing meaningful contexts for learning primary English. Through this Teach Through a Text approach, children develop an understanding of audience and purpose in writing, as they encounter a wide range of significant authors and diverse texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.  This curriculum provides complete coverage of all National Curriculum expectations for writing composition, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, as well as spelling. Each plan leads to purposeful application within a variety of written outcomes.

Working Walls are evident in all classrooms, so children can see the build-up of learning throughout the days and weeks, and can use this as a prompt for their own writing.

To apply children's knowledge, writing is also woven into many areas of the curriculum at Glascote Academy.  This is evident within Curriculum books, including RE, History and Geography lessons.


Ongoing assessment of writing takes place throughout the school year. Moderations within the school and across the Trust support decision-making. Our own Fierté Writing Expectations are used, as well as Teacher Assessment Framework (TAFs) for Years 2 and 6.